Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Tips and tricks you can use to give yourself the perfect fit…
DEALING WITH HALF SIZES: Most shoe companies are moving away from half sizes. So what happens when you are stuck in the middle? Always buy the boot the half step up instead of down. It’s easier to make a boot fit that’s a little too big than too small.
To make up for the half-size difference, a set of gel insoles will not only make up the size difference, but will make your feet even more comfortable. Often times just an extra pair of socks will work well too.
THE BOOTS PINCHES THE TOE OR THE SIDES OF THE FEET: If the boot is a little snug around the sides of your foot or if your foot is being pinched at the toe, a shoe stretcher can come in handy. Shoe stretchers can expand the width and length of shoes (for both benefits you’ll want to purchase a “two way” shoe stretcher). Shoe stretchers work best for breaking in shoes that are a little too tight or expanding shoes that are close to the right size. You don’t want to use the shoe stretcher if the shoe is a size or two too small. Professional shoe makers and alteration companies provide this service as well.
THE BOOT DOESN’T FIT SNUG ENOUGH AROUND THE CALF: Professional shoe makers and alteration companies can take in a boot that is too wide around the calf. They will measure the length of the leg all the way down to the ankle and adjust the fit of the boot at all points on the leg. They typically take in the extra fabric at the zipper. These alterations can be a little costly, sometimes costing between $50 to $75, however, you then have a pair of custom fitted boots.  If you don't want to spend that much money try a pair of Top of the Boot faux fur boot toppers.  They completely cover up the portion of the boot that is too big for only $39.99 and they can be worn with all your boots!
THE BOOT IS TOO TIGHT AROUND THE CALF: Real leather boots can be stretched to give your leg a little extra breathing room. However, this only works if your boots are just a little too snug.
THE BOOT IS TOO TALL: If the boot is too tall and cuts into the back of your knee, professional alteration companies can cut length off the top of the boot to give you knee the extra breathing room. 

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